the kentucky derby, kentucky derby essentials, kentucky derby roundup, louisville kentucky, kentucky derby 2016

Thursday Things:
Kentucky Derby 2016

the kentucky derby, kentucky derby essentials, kentucky derby roundup, louisville kentucky, kentucky derby 2016

And just like that, they’re off. In honor of the 142nd Run for the Roses I figured I’d dedicate this week’s Thursday Things to the best two minutes in sports. Whether you’re a local, visitor, or someone admiring from afar – I’ve got you covered. 

Ben Sollee launched his new EP with his take on ‘My Old Kentucky Home‘ just in time for this year’s Derby celebrations – listen and weep. 

Here’s everything you need to know about getting to and from the tracks.

If you’re a local: you’ve known that Derby is coming for awhile now, but just in case here are 7 things all locals should know about this time of year.

For the ladies (and purse carrying men) out there, say thank you to Danielle for detailing your Derby day essentials.

Not making it to the track this year? No worries. Time to throw an At-Home Derby Party – complete with juleps and bourbon brownies.

Speaking of juleps.. there’s more than one way to skin a cat and make a julep, but whether you’re keeping it classic or putting a twist on it – please sip responsibly

If you’re visiting for the weekend we’ve got plenty of places to eat, drink, and dance the weekend away. 

While this will be my first attending Derby at the tracks, I’ve always betted on the horses. I’ve made a whopping $7 over the years (for real), but it’s still fun – especially after a few drinks. 

Fun fact: nearly 120,000 mint juleps will be served over the two-day period of Oaks and Derby.

Last, but not least, no Derby experience is complete without indulging in one too many slices of Derby Pie.

Before you go.. Like what you see? 

Image c/o Churchill Downs

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