Louisville, Kentucky skyline digital art work by Loose Petals on Etsy.

Out N Lou (10/31/14)

Louisville, Kentucky skyline digital art work by Loose Petals on Etsy.

I’m trying something new here. Y’all know how much I love Louisville, and while it’s always talked about in my posts there’s nothing dedicated to it, until now that is. I’ve started to get questions about what to do, where to eat, etc., and I’ll have to say, I’m flattered. I’ve decided to add a section all about Louisville to the site; it’s something I’ve been pondering for a minute, and I think it’s time. I’ve added “Out N Lou” to my main menu, and it will be consistently updated with what’s happening around Louisville. In addition to that I understand that there’s typically a lot that goes down on the weekends anymore, and I’ll be rounding up what’s on my radar right here every Friday morning. Now you’ll know where to find me around Louisville on the weekends! If you ever see me out please feel free to stop me, introduce yourself, and say hey. I love getting to meet everyone that visits the site.

Halloween Parties You Won’t Want To Miss

In The Halloween Spirit? 

Odds & Ends

  • Atlantic No. 5 is doing a pop up dinner series at their Main Street Location until they open for real on November 12th, make reservations at office@atlanticno5.com or call 502-883-3398.

That’s all I’ve got for now, BUT if you’ve got something that you think I should add to next week’s list or my Out N Lou calendar I’d love to hear from you, drop me a line.

– Josh

The Kentucky Gent

Image borrowed from Loose Petals

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