Howdy all! Hope 2018 is off to a great start for each and every one of you. Last night on Instagram I got a little deep and shared a confession or two with everyone on there. Namely, that I’ve felt very, very insecure about how I’ve looked for roughly the last year. I’ve touched on my past relationship here and there, but have never really delved super deep into it as I’ve not been ready to do so. Still not 100% there, but I can say for certain that being with someone who constantly tells you how fat and ugly you are does take a toll on you. After awhile you begin to believe what they’re saying, begin to view yourself that way, and then you end up being that way.
Never let someone make you second-guess your awesomeness, ever. Because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. It’s taken me almost a year to realize that again, but I’m glad to be standing here today feeling better than I have in years. How’d I manage that you might ask. Well, it started with an adventure some of y’all may already be familiar with: Whole30. It’s not quite a diet, but not quite anything else either. And while it has helped me lose weight, it’s done a lot more than that. It’s helped me form a healthy relationship with food again, helped me rediscover my confidence, and helped get my ass back in the gym. Saying it’s life changing may sound like a stretch, but I promise you it’s not.
I plan to delve into my experience with Whole30 a lot more deeply once the 30 days are up so that I can share a true testimonial about the end result with everyone. But for now, I’ll be sharing recipes that are Whole30 approved. Because not only has it done all that I listed above, but it’s also helped me fall back in love with cooking. Oddly enough, you can eat just about anything on Whole30, minus a few categories, and I’d love coming up with healthier versions of some of my favorite dishes the last few weeks. Like today’s Whole30 Chicken Curry. It’s a quick, easy lunch and dinner option that reheats amazingly well. It’s been a staple of mine on these cold as hell days we’ve been having, and with the cauliflower rice it’s a double serving of veggies. Whole30 has proven to me once again that food can be good for you while tasting damn good as well. So stay tuned as I share several other recipes as well as my essentials for a successful Whole30 over the next couple weeks!
Oh, but before I go I need to share a find of mine that’s literally made this whole thing 100x easier: Nutpods. It’s a non-dairy creamer that has literally saved my ass when it comes to my morning coffee. It’s also helped me swear off adding sugar to my coffee in the mornings. Less sugar means more energy and less belly fat. Sign. Me. Up. While they do have two naturally flavored varieties, French Vanilla and Hazelnut, that are great in coffee their Original variation is the perfect addition to your favorite recipes. Interested? Good. You should be! Use the code JOSH25 for 25% off your order at until 01/31/18. And to clarify, this is no way shape or form sponsored by them. I just genuinely love their product that much.

Chicken Curry
- 1 large yellow onion, diced
- 2 cloves of garlic, diced
- 2 tbsp. ghee or coconut oil
- 1–2 tbsp. yellow curry powder
- 2 chicken thighs, cubed
- 2 cups broccoli slaw
- 1/4 cup NutPods, unsweetened
- 13.5 oz. can of full fat coconut milk
- Heat dutch oven over medium-high heat until a drop of water sizzles upon contact.
- Melt 2 tbsp. of ghee in dutch oven and add onion, garlic, and curry powder. Allow to cook for 2-3 minutes or until curry is fragrant and onions are translucent.
- Add cubed chicken to dutch oven and cook for 8-10 minutes, and then add broccoli slaw and cook for an additional 5 minutes.
- Pour in coconut milk and NutPods, stir to combine thoroughly and to ensure all coconut fat is melted.
- Bring mixture to boil before reducing heat to low, cover, and simmer for 30-40 minutes.
- Serve over cauliflower rice.