thursday things, working from my happy place, hp, emily henderson, emily henderson design

Thursday Things: My Happy Place

thursday things, working from my happy place, hp, emily henderson, emily henderson design

I find inspiration in different places almost every week, but there are several blogs that I read day after day that constantly leave me feeling more inspired than I did when I first opened their page. Style By Emily Henderson is one of those blogs. If you’re not familiar with Emily, she’s the mastermind behind a design/style LA based company that specializes in making moderate budgets work out beautifully. Her and her team are generous enough to chronicle their design and style adventures on their blog. Besides all the above she’s also Target’s home spokesperson, and a wife and mother to one adorable little boy with another kiddo on the way. In other words – she’s Wonder Woman. 

While we may not have a ton in common our happy places seem to be very similar. In her latest post she teamed up with HP and Intel to share what “working from my happy place” looks like for her. I’ll let you see what all that entails for yourself over on her blog, but I’ll clue you in by saying that it involves travel, and if you know me at all you’ll know that’s right up my alley. My favorite places to work are on the road, weird I know, but true. What about y’all. Where are those “my happy place” spots for you? 

Since we’re already on the topic of travel. I’ll just clue y’all in, and say that I’m ready to plan my next trip. And by next trip I mean somewhere with a beach and lots and lots of sun. 

After Gabi and Mike’s (Cup of Couple) trip to Miami + Will’s (Bright Bazaar) trip to Key West I’ve definitely got my eye on heading to Florida for some R & R.  

Jacey (Damsel in Dior) just got back from a family vacation in Cozumel, which happens to be only a boat ride from where I stayed in Mexico last month. I was incredibly tempted to hop on a ferry and check the island out, and after seeing her photos I’m bummed that I didn’t. On the bright side at least I know where I’m headed next time I vacation South of the border. 

Did you know that the farmers in Mexico are having a hard time keeping up with the U.S.’s demand for avocados? There’s even an actual serious chance we’ll have a shortage before too long (sad day). 

But not to worry, Beau from Probably Baking is here to save the day/drown your sorrows with this recipe for a Rosemary Mezcal Slushie. If you’re not familiar with Mezcal, shame on you. 

In keeping with the Mexican theme I’ve got going on here’s a recipe for Restaurant-Style Salsa from Gimme Some Oven that sounds/looks just as good/if not better than the salsa I had for Cinco de Mayo

We all know how much I love food, especially brunch, but here lately I’ve had the hardest time getting up and making breakfast. I feel like I never have enough time to get up, drink my coffee, and cook without missing out on some sort of work. Which is why this Anyday Smoothie Recipe from Fresh Exchange totally hits the spot.

While we’re chatting about the folks behind Fresh Exchange, they’re out on the West Coast right now. Besides being insanely jealous, I’m also feeling inspired/excited as I’m headed that way at the end of the month! Can. Not. Wait. 

By now I’m sure you’ve heard of the #GimmeFive challenge, if not then now’s as good of a time as any to get on it. Especially since Refinery29 breaks down 5 ways to feel happier NOW

Speaking of R29, they’ve actually got some good content like when they’ve recommended keeping a work journal to see what you learn/do/progress in week to week. This is a perfect idea for all those self-employed folk who can’t seem to ever get it all done. 

Another thing that would make my work day a little more productive would be the new Sprout by HP, and you can see why in one of Will’s latest posts

I’m ever-connected, virtually that is, but am I connected with those around me IRL? I do my best to be, but lululemon definitely challenged me to be better. 

I’ve got some new bedding headed my way from Brooklin, and it can’t just be me that loves new sheets, right?

One thing I’ve never loved is a duvet, well duvet covers that is. Until west elm showed me a genius way to get them on SO much easier than my poor attempts at it. 

While we’re on the topic of beds, I’ve not been sleeping well this week at all. It’s been in the 90’s every day this week – which means my third floor bedroom is a sauna. So it’s mostly been tossing and turning through the night until I’m woken up by the sounds of jack hammers outside my window. 

They’re replacing EVERY water main in my neighborhood, street by street, and I’ve been essentially blocked in all week by construction vehicles. 

Today’s goal: maneuver out of the construction zone and finish up Mother’s Day shopping. Wish me luck!

Image c/o Emily Henderson

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