Thursday Things:
Live Minimally

tips on minimal living, how to live minimal, minimus, the fresh exchange, online link roundup

The older I get, the more I do my best to live minimally and with intention. 

Also, the more I realize I’d rather take several shorter trips vs. a few long ones, and these 10 hip hotels in upstate New York look like a great place to start. 

Every overnight success story is 10 years in the making.

Dill and cucumbers were a match made in heaven, especially when you combine them to make pickles in your fridge

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of booze (especially bourbon), but this time of year I’m more likely to reach for a different spirit

How stinking cute are these Peach Bakewell Tarts though? As soon as it cools down a bit I’ll be fixing up a batch or two of these to enjoy myself. 

If I wasn’t headed to India in September (more details on that to come next week!) then I’d definitely be headed up north for Pinch of Yum’s food photography workshop, cause that shit is hard AF y’all. 

I’ve yet to jump on the popsicle bandwagon, but these Summer Fruit Pops may be enough to push me over the edge. 

Speaking of fruit, I love bananas. Especially when they’re combined with chocolate and baked into a cake.

Photo c/o The Fresh Exchange

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