Father’s Day is just around the corner, and while I know that sweet kiddos like us are the ultimate gift...
The above image from The Fresh Exchange expertly sums up what I was getting at when I made the confession...
Louisville is a great city. It’s filled with great food, good drinks, and some of the best folks around, and...
Yesterday we had a much, much needed break in the heat down in Kentucky, and by break in the heat...
Can y’all believe that it’s already time for 4th of July? We’re seriously half way through with the year, and...
It’s been a whirlwind couple of months, from a slew of sponsored posts coming down the pipeline to traveling to...
As I was headed home from Chicago yesterday I realized that I’ve spent more time sleeping in other beds than...
I let out an audible gasp/sigh during lunch yesterday when I heard the news that HBO’s Looking would not renewed...