kentucky for kentucky, kentucky kicks ass, brooks regent sneaker, mens fashion, mens sneakers

Kentucky Kicks Ass

kentucky for kentucky, kentucky kicks ass, brooks regent sneaker, mens fashion, mens sneakers

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Kentucky For Kentucky T-Shirt | H&M Shorts (similar here) | Alex and Ani Bracelets | Brooks Regent Sneakers 

I don’t know about y’all, but I’m longing for those days where my outfits don’t consist of shorts and tees or tanks. I never thought I’d say that, but here comes the day where I say it. 

Now I know that I could very easily wear jeans this time of year, but I sweat like a stuffed pig, which means I try to keep things as light as possible during the warmer months. To say I’m ready to switch things up a little bit would an understatement, and since it’s a little too hot for my own comfort at the moment I decided to switch up what I could, my shoes. Got these Brooks Regent Sneakers in the mail a few weeks back, and it was high time to break them in. Don’t worry, if white isn’t your thing they come in a few color ways, and they’re some of the most comfortable sneakers I’ve worn – no lie. 

As far as the shirt goes, it’s an oldie but a goodie, and a conversation with my friend Mo yesterday this Kentucky Kicks Ass shirt seemed incredibly fitting. Mark our words, Kentucky, Louisville in particular, is about to blow up. I got the scoop on a couple new places that are headed to town when I was chatting with her yesterday (gotta love friends with real estate wizard husbands), and believe me when I say they’re more than Instagram worthy. 

kentucky for kentucky, kentucky kicks ass, brooks regent sneaker, mens fashion, mens sneakerskentucky for kentucky, kentucky kicks ass, brooks regent sneaker, mens fashion, mens sneakers kentucky for kentucky, kentucky kicks ass, brooks regent sneaker, mens fashion, mens sneakers kentucky for kentucky, kentucky kicks ass, brooks regent sneaker, mens fashion, mens sneakers kentucky for kentucky, kentucky kicks ass, brooks regent sneaker, mens fashion, mens sneakers kentucky for kentucky, kentucky kicks ass, brooks regent sneaker, mens fashion, mens sneakers

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Photography by Josh Johnson

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