ambig clothing, rvca, mens tank top, birkenstock sandals, mens fashion blog

Pocket Tank

ambig clothing, rvca, mens tank top, birkenstock sandals, mens fashion blog

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Ray-Ban Aviators | Ambig Pocket Tank Tank | RVCA Shorts | Marmol Radziner Cuff + Ring | Birkenstock Sandals

It’s official. The cool down in Kentucky has officially begun. But watch, now that I’ve said that I’ll be proved wrong.The rest of this week is still going to be a little bit warm, but starting this weekend we’re going to begin getting down into the 80s and even 70s some days. To say that I’m excited would be an understatement. 

Unfortunately I’ll be outta town this weekend and unable to enjoy the cool weather, but at least I’ll be in New York? Keeping my fingers crossed that the cool weather trend picks up in NYC for the few days that I’m there as well. Cause I’ve got a rooftop party to attend in the middle of the day, and I’d rather not sweat my life away during a Fashion Week party.

I’m flying out Saturday morning and coming home Monday night, needless to say it’s a quicker trip than usual, but seeing as this is the women’s show circuit with only a handful of men’s shows I decided to make it a shorter trip. Honestly, I’m just flying up for a few parties and to see some friends, and I mean.. do you ever really need an excuse to visit NYC? I don’t think so. 

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Photography by Josh Johnson

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