I set out with the goal of being hella productive this week, and I’m happy to check in mid-week and report that for the most part – I’ve been incredibly productive. From unpacking and setting up my new home office space to getting a few runs in as well getting back into a yoga practice I’m starting to feel more like myself again.
Or rather a sore version of myself. I’m trying out classes at a new to me yoga studio, and they focus more so on strength and muscle engagement vs. stretching and flow, which is what I’m used to.
Needless to say my yoga classes this week have kicked my ass, and muscles in my back are sore that I didn’t even know were there or could be sore. On the bright side I can feel myself already sitting up straighter (mostly because it hurts to slouch at this point), but fingers crossed that remains the case after a few more classes.
Before you go.. Like what you see?