Gorton’s Seafood is sponsoring today’s post, but as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Hard to believe that I’ve been working from home for over three years now! Time really does fly by. When I first started working from home it was a dream come true, but over the years it’s been harder and harder to stay motivated and productive while I’m at home.
After all, my couch is awfully comfy, I always have a million things to do around the house, and now I have a cute kitten to cuddle up with. Sitting at my desk definitely pails in comparison to all of the above, but with the cooler months settling in it’s even more important for me to buckle down and stay productive.
Which is why I’m sharing 3 tips for staying productive when working from home because I know that I’m not alone in this struggle! Especially as the days get shorter and the weather gets colder.
Take Breaks
There’s a reason you’re required to take breaks throughout your workday when you’re an employee of someone else. It not only helps increase productivity, but it also serves as a good chance to check out for a minute. Meaning that when you get back to your desk or couch you’ll have a fresh perspective on the remainder of your day.
If I find myself zoning out or not being able to concentrate on work I always close my laptop, do a chore or two around the house, brew myself another cup of coffee, and then settle back down to my desk. Tackling a project or a deadline after a small break always makes them much easier to complete!

Stop for Lunch
Yes, I know. It seems like you couldn’t forget to eat lunch, but trust me, when you’re working solo at home it’s really easy to. Time flies by, you’re working on two deadlines, and you barely remember to get up to pee.
But also trust me when I say that your productivity levels will also begin to suffer the longer you wait to stop and eat lunch. Yes, I said stopto eat lunch. You’ve earned. You deserve it. Plus having quick, delicious, and filling options like Gorton’s Shrimp Bowls on hand makes lunch breaks a breeze!
They’re perfect for those days where I’m working on a tight deadline or days like today when I’m trying to pack as much in as I can before catching a flight later today. Plus, with the cooler temperatures that are finally here to stay the Black Garlic & Wine Risotto Shrimp Bowl and Stir Fry with Soba Noodles Shrimp Bowl are the perfect lunches to warm you up from the inside out.
Not to mention they’re packed with protein – meaning that they’re certain to keep you full for the rest of your workday. Which as we all know is something that’s super important. Full bellies make for much more productive days!

Get Up and Walk Around
This goes hand and hand with taking breaks, but it’s important that you get up and get moving. Whether that’s running out to check the mail or walking down the block to grab coffee at your favorite neighborhood coffee joint. Doing this will help get the blood flowing and allow you to sit back down at your desk feeling refreshed and ready to tackle that to-do list.