diy wall storage, urban outfitters, diy home storage, how to build wall storage, home diy tips

Saturday Shop:
DIY Wall Storage

diy wall storage, urban outfitters, diy home storage, how to build wall storage, home diy tips

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This week’s shop ties back to Thursday’s post and that has a lot to do with the fact that I’ve got winter fever. Meaning I have close to zero motivation to leave my house. I wasn’t cut out for cold weather, seriously. 

Being stuck in my house means that I notice how little I’ve made this place a home over the last 2 years I’ve lived here. I have wall storage pieces still sitting in boxes and artwork that’s not been hung on the walls. 

There is some good that can come from not leaving your house though, like finally getting around to hanging up that artwork from Minted (more on that next week) and on my to-do list this week is getting some much needed storage finally installed. Surprise, surprise I’m going the DIY route. 

Apartment life is great, for the most part, but it also means that you’re limited in terms of what storage you’re stuck with. My kitchen for instance has little to no wall storage which means the countertops barely see the light of day. 

It’s long been on my agenda to install pegboard on the main wall in my kitchen to serve as a holder for the pots and pans I use most often, and when I was in Lowes last week I finally picked up the pegboard. Now all that stands between me and more storage is a few screws and installing some hooks. 

Any other DIY wall storage hacks that I should try? And if you’re not about that DIY life then I’ve rounded up some of my favorites from Urban Outfitters below that have that made yourself look, with minimal effort.

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Image c/o Urban Outfitters


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