The Kentucky Gent in Marc by Marc Jacobs T-Shirt, Topman Jeans, and Steve Madden Troopah 2 Boots

Marc by Marc Jacobs

The Kentucky Gent in Marc by Marc Jacobs T-Shirt, Topman Jeans, and Steve Madden Troopah 2 Boots

The Kentucky Gent in Marc by Marc Jacobs T-Shirt, Topman Jeans, and Steve Madden Troopah 2 Boots
The Kentucky Gent in Marc by Marc Jacobs T-Shirt, Topman Jeans, and Steve Madden Troopah 2 Boots
The Kentucky Gent in Marc by Marc Jacobs T-Shirt, Topman Jeans, and Steve Madden Troopah 2 Boots
The Kentucky Gent in Marc by Marc Jacobs T-Shirt, Topman Jeans, and Steve Madden Troopah 2 Boots
T-Shirt // Marc by Marc Jacobs, Jeans // Topman, Boots // Steve Madden

Marc Jacobs has always been known for his unique sense of fashion, and this camo t-shirt is no exception. The abstract print of the classic camouflage print brings a whole new life to the look. A tee that can be worn by itself, and not leave you feeling like a bum is a winner in my book. You may recognize this shirt from my Black Friday steals post. Huge props to Gilt Groupe for getting this out to me so quick that I was able to turn it around into an outfit post.

Because when it comes to Kentucky weather this year, I’m not really sure what to put on before I leave in the mornings. It’s 70 degrees today, but we’re expecting up to 8 inches of snow this weekend? So with that being said, I’m going to embrace wearing tees in December comfortably as long as humanely possible.

Stylishly Yours,

The Kentucky Gent

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