“Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
While writing this what was once covered in leaves is now under a blanket of snow. I may not be completely ready for snow and the cold weather that comes along with the snow, but it definitely is a beautiful site.

A big THANK YOU to everyone that came out last night and helped us celebrate the official launch of Modern Makers Media. After last night we’ve already got some meetings set up and a potential client. We’re more than hopeful for what the future will hold for us. If you’re curious what the hype is all about, watch the video below. It breaks down what we are, who we are, why we’re different, and why you should support us.
Photos by Ch.25 / H&M Sweater / Colorfast Plaid Shirt / Levi’s 511 Jeans / Richer Poorer Socks / Trask Union Boots