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Plum Perfect

mens fashion, boohoo, denim shorts, mens tank top, birkenstock sandals boohooMan Tank // boohooman shorts // Giles & Brother Cuff // Birkenstock Sandals // Ray-Ban Sunglasses // Mack Weldon Briefs

Okay, let me start by saying that I can’t wait for Derby to be over. The amount of drunk folks around this city (especially when you live in my neighborhood) is out of control, and nobody got time for that. Secondly, the traffic around these parts has been dreadful with the surplus of tourists migrating in for the weekend. Not that we didn’t have it bad enough with essentially the entire city being under construction or anything. Okay – I’m done complaining, promise. 

If you saw my post on Instagram yesterday you probably now realize why I was wishing for more hours in the day, between traffic and dealing with the asinine number of extra people in the city my day was stretched extra thin. That coupled with the fact that when it rains, it pours has left me quite the busy guy this week. Not that I’m complaining about the busy part because I’m not in the slightest. There’s a lot of good, good content in the works, and I can’t wait to share all of what has kept me on my toes the last few weeks. It includes food, booze, and travel. Three of my favorite things – which makes me a very happy guy. Until I’m able to break more good news, if you didn’t already know I’ve taken over Kentucky Tourism’s Instagram for the weekend, and you aren’t going to want to miss out on what I’m getting into today with them! 

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Photos by Josh Johnson


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