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Neoprene Sweatshirt

very perry, perry ellis, neoprene, neoprene sweatshirt, sweatshirt Perry Ellis Neoprene Sweatshirt | DSTLD Jeans | Marmol Radziner Cuff | Faire Collection Bracelet | Mack Weldon Briefs + Socks | Sperry Slip-On Shoes

I’ve been waiting for an weather-appropriate day to wear this sweatshirt since I got it a few weeks back, but we all know how hot natured I am (seriously sweat walking from my apartment to my car) and the weather here has been a scorcher as of late. Well, up until this week that is. It was a balmy 68 degrees today, which for me equals perfect neoprene sweatshirt weather

I’ll be the first to admit that when I first started seeing Perry Ellis come back up in the men’s fashion scene I was more than a bit hesitant, but I was lucky enough to be one of the first folks to see their latest creative director’s, Michael Maccari, debut show. He certainly did not disappoint, and to this day that show serves as one of my favorite shows during NYFW – to date. This exact sweatshirt happened to be one of my favorites from the collection, so imagine by surprise/excitement when I opened a box from their team with it inside. If you’ve not checked Perry out in a few years, I’d recommend do it. I promise you’ll want to join the Very Perry crew once you do. Keep scrolling to the bottom of this post to shop some of my favorite pieces from their latest collection

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Photos by Josh Johnson

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