Neutrals for Spring The Kentucky Gent


Neutrals for Spring The Kentucky Gent

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H&M Sweatshirt (similiar here) // DSTLD Jeans // Giles & Brother Cuff // Ray-Ban Sunglasses // Converse Sneakers // Mack Weldon Briefs & Socks

Let me begin by saying that I hate the dentist, and that a trip to the dentist yesterday kind of put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. I’ve been having some on going issues with my mouth (thanks to an old dentist that missed some things), and just when I thought I saw a light at the end of the tunnel I found out yesterday that it was just a flashlight – not the actual end. Talk about a buzz kill. Now I typically try my best to be 100% optimistic about life in general, but yesterday was a test of that mindset. BUT onward and upward, yeah?

In other news – I’m planning on wearing mostly (if not solely) neutrals this Spring. I wear a lot of them regardless, but a crisp white tee or a gray sweatshirt (for the colder days) this time of year seems extra fitting.

Neutrals for Spring The Kentucky Gent Neutrals for Spring The Kentucky Gent Neutrals for Spring The Kentucky Gent Neutrals for Spring The Kentucky Gent

Photos c/o Chelcey Tate

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